We publish books for Catholics of all ages. We specialize in children’s fiction, spiritual reading, marriage, and family life. Rafka Press only publishes works that are completely faithful to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church.
Growing old is a process which begins at birth. “Being Old,” on the other hand, is a point of arrival. Society refers to this stage as the “golden years,” a time to enjoy life. This is also when one’s physical and mental powers decline, leading to suffering and feelings of depression, anger, and loss of hope.
Dr. Paul Lavin covers how suffering affects our mental health; our relationships with family, friends, and professional health care providers; and, our relationship with God. These are discussed along with cognitive and spiritually based strategies to keep the sufferer from being tricked by the Father of Lies and his false promises.
The Golden Years is a valuable weapon which “Being Old” Catholics, and those to come, can use to defend themselves when the final battle takes place.
ISBN-13: 978-0-9911958-3-1
Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5"
154 pages
PAUL LAVIN was a traditional Catholic psychologist, a rare breed in a field largely dominated by secular liberals. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in 1971. He has published seventeen professional books and numerous articles in professional journals. He was a full-time faculty member at Towson University, Maryland, where he taught for 30 years. He also had a private practice for more than 30 years.
Rafka Press LLC
Rafka Press LLC is an Arizona limited liability company, founded in 2006. We publish books for Catholics of all ages. We specialize in children’s fiction, spiritual reading, marriage, and family life. Rafka Press only publishes new or reprinted works that are completely faithful to the traditional teachings of the Catholic Church. The Spencer Family Mystery series is our first set of books.
Saint Rafka, pray for us!